Edit Entry in Lightbox
I would like to see similar Lightbox functionality in Gravity View as we had in Gravity Forms Directory -- not just the ability to view an image in the lightbox, but the ability to quickly review an entire ENTRY in a lightbox.
... So that when you are viewing a table of submitted entries, you can get a quick glimpse at the details of each one within a lightbox, rather than clicking through entries one by one.
Additionally, it would be great to be able to add "View Previous / Next Entry" links to the Single Entry View.

Hi 👋 Zack here from GravityKit, makers of GravityView. GravityView is the best way to display, edit, and export Gravity Forms entries on your website.
This is a status update about a feature that you have requested: The ability to edit entries in a lightbox in GravityView. This has been—for years!—the top requested feature, and I'm very pleased to share that it's completed.
Viewing and Editing entries in a lightbox was added to GravityView 2.29. You can read about the feature here.
Please respond with any questions. Check it out and let us know what you think!
Mike Curry commented
I think this is a great idea, exactly what I'm wanting to achieve. I see it was added to the planned list in 2017 and started in 2019, but it's not available in 2024... I wonder what happened to it?
Michael Plummer commented
I know this is a fairly old request but I achieve this by using the WP Colorbox plugin (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-colorbox/). You can add a shortcode to open a URL in a lightbox. Unfortunately, the gv_entry_link shortcode won't work within the WP Colorbox shortcode so instead I use a standard <a> tag with a link to the multiple view, a search term using a merge tag and have inline edit enabled by default.
Nick Litten commented
Would be great to add this to the OPTIONS: EDIT ENTRY SCREEN.
ie: where we can select "Open link in new tab or window" add new option to "Open in lightbox"
Warren Deer commented
Would be nice to have - especially in conjunction with the calendar view that is in development.