Ability to edit an entry
Make it possible for users to edit the entry that they have submitted.

We’ve completed Edit Entry functionality!
GravityView now all Gravity Forms fields in the Edit Entries mode. It even supports modifying existing uploads and the great Multiple-File Upload field.
For now, if the user has the ability to edit entries in Gravity Forms, they’ll be able to edit entries in GravityView. Moving forward, we’ll be adding refined controls over who can edit which entries.
We hope you love the functionality. It will be released in a beta update soon.
Also, users who have edit access to Gravity Forms normally will be able to edit entries. It'll be an option to allow users to edit their own entries.
@Justin - the editor will be able to see hidden fields, but unfortunately previously-uploaded files will not be available on the front-end; for that, the user would need to go to the Gravity Forms Edit Entry view.
Justin commented
Will this apply only to the user who submitted the form -- or do you envision that an editor or admin can edit an entry?
Also: if there are hidden fields, will the editor be able to see them?
The scenario I'm envisioning is that an applicant submits an entry, and admins/"reviewers" can view a list of entries on the frontend (e.g. on a password-protected page) and enter a rating, notes, etc that are not visible to the person who submitted the entry.
Robin Cotgrove commented
I think this would be an 'awesome' feature and make GravityView very powerful indeed. Gravity + Post Updates plugin allows post re-editing on the front-end but it's not possible to embed the short-code into the GravityView dashboard as far as I can see. If Short-codes could be added for an Entry ID etc.., then the functionality could be included quickly I would suggest. I would even be prepared to contribute to the code if necessary although I not the best of PHP coders.
Chantel commented
Great! It would be useful to have the admin re-emailed when the entry is edited too!
Chantel commented
I would love to see this featured added for logged in users, along with the ability to save each entry.
David commented
I would agree with this feature as an option - ie not having to go through the gravity forms back-end to edit an entry would be great.
The peer review aspect, I'm not so sure. That would probably be best done inside the Gravity Forms Entries page, with users adding notes about entries, then editing them.
The ability to edit an entry is more about allowing the user who created the entry (or an editor/administrator) to modify the entry on the front-end of the site.
Justin commented
Being able to edit entries would facilitate group/peer review of submitted entries ... right?