Only results for registered user
It seems we are using this plugin for a slightly different purpose than most users. We have created an online request for service form. We want our logged in users to be able to view ONLY the requests THEY submitted. From a directory stand point this would be like "my listings" I guess. Am I just missing something that is already here?

We’ve finished the Advanced Filtering extension, which adds this functionality. You can check it out here :
joerg commented
to force login we use Members Plugin ...
Tom commented
It'd be nice to be able to use that logged in user more globally as a variable.
Erik Smith commented
I would purchase GravityView if it had this feature.
joerg commented
Great !!! even better it would be nice if we could assign a specific user to a specific data set!
David commented
I would also like this.
Howie Burke commented
Similar request from me. I have a form where users report on their water conservation projects. So if they're logged into WP, they'd be able to view a page and see any reports they have already filed. We don't want other users (other than admins of course) to view individual submissions.