Filter by {user} is {currently logged in]
Our Profile View uses the filter "Created By" - is - "Currently Logged in User" but the field always returns empty.
We assume it's because they were not logged in when they registered, which is how all of our Affiliates start.
We'd like to show a logged-in user (our Affiliate) their profile when they are not the 'created by'
Can you add the following filter
{user} "is | is not" Currently logged in
Or, there must be a work-around that we are not seeing or finding anywhere...
Peace, Love, and User Profiles,

chris commented
I had the same issue, but found a workaround by using the filters to match the completed fields in the entry using the extended user shortcodes.. where Email field = {user:user_email} or where Username = {user:user_login} . This way they don't have to be logged in when they complete the form, but they are logged in to reference the data at a later date. Once I discovered this was possible it solves a lot of issues. Any of the gravity form shortcodes work in this way, even custom user meta eg {user:my_custom_user_field} . Hope that helps