E-Mail an entry
It would be great to be able to e-mail an entry - either directly from the multiple view table or a single entry view.
It would be great if once you clicked it you had an option to email it to the notification routing you setup in the form or to specified email addresses.

This is a duplicate of another entry, so we’re closing this idea. https://gravityview.uservoice.com/forums/238941-gravityview/suggestions/6130587-edit-entry-notification
We’re looking into the best way to do this. Thanks for voting!
Thanks Gabriel - closing now.
To vote for this idea, go here: https://gravityview.uservoice.com/forums/238941-gravityview/suggestions/6130587-edit-entry-notification
Gabriel commented
Please re-group with suggestion : "Edit Entry Notification" since it's the same feature.