Extensions for facetWP
Extension for facetWP plugin ( https://facetwp.com/ ) would maybe be worth considering? There are extensions for maps, WooCommerce, ACF and many others. Pretty solid plugin. I know you have datatables extension which is nice but all the options for facetWP for ajaxed search, filtering and sorting is top notch.

I’ve contacted the FacetWP developer, and I’m afraid this isn’t possible until they add core support for Gravity Forms entries.
I love FacetWP as well, sorry this didn’t work!
Schalk commented
Hi, just checking whether this is stil the case, 2 years later?
Robert commented
FacetWP is a more robust option. And more in line with the feature set I was hoping for, with search.
This plugin is great. That type of integration would make it insanely great.